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(404) 618-0808

Contact Us

If you or a family member was injured as a result of the intentional or negligent conduct of someone else, whether an individual or a business, then you may have a legal right to pursue a claim for compensation for your injuries and pain and suffering. There are any number of situations in which someone can suffer injury due to the fault of somewhere else, including automobile or truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, defective products, medical malpractice, slip and falls at a home or business, exposure to dangerous drugs or medical devices, or dangerous conditions on other people's property.


Sometimes, the injury is severe enough to lead to the death of a loved one. Not only are such deaths unexpected and emotionally devastating, the family may also be left with significant financial hardship, including funeral costs, medical bills, loss of income, and other expenses that can quickly add up. Furthermore, in Georgia a family has right to compensation for a loved one's death even if there are no out of pocket expenses.

Gorinshteyn & Watkins, LLC specializes in lawsuits involving the the injury and death of individuals. But keep in mind, Georgia law puts time limits on how long after an injury a claim can be brought, so contact us promptly to discover the best way to move forward with your case.

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